Dylan Matthews
Basic information
What does Dylan Matthews like?
Dylan Matthews is interested in psychology and loves to stay active. His favorite color is purple and you guessed it.... He loves some dick!!! He is bottom-vers and also has a taste for Jocks and their tight toned butts. Dylan loves to please when it comes to sex and isn't opposed to a good three-way;)
About Dylan Matthews
Dylan is still spreading his wings in life and is having a blast exploring and learning a lot about himself. He would describe himself as a hard worker with a drive towards the finer things in life. He is very easy to talk to and is genuinely interested in what other people have to say. With a great sense of humor and a smile that will melt your heart, Dylan is generally a blast to be around. He is very high energy and horny as hell, fucking is his favorite way to stay active!!!
Check him out here!
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